Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mt Chamah (2171m) & Mt Ulu Sepat (2161m) : 6-10 June 2009 via Gua Musang, Kelantan

Mountains climbed - story soon...

Seorang Petualang Itu Katanya by Harley B Sastha

In Indonesia, an adventurer is called a 'Petualang' which in Malaysia would have a negative connotation because 'Petualang' would mean 'someone who betrays' . After coming to Indonesia so many times and having made friends with other climbers, I have come to embrace the term 'Petualang' . Here is a poem by Harley B Sastha (An Adventurer Is Said To Be) that was published in his Facebook Notes.


Seorang petualang katanya orang yang kuat
Berjalan berkilo-kilo meter seolah tanpa lelah
Mendaki puncak-puncak gunung dengan ransel di punggung
Menyeberangi sungai-sungai dengan tangan dan kakinya

Seorang petualang katanya orang yang berani
Melintasi hutan belantara diantara kegelapan malam
Menerjang badai yang datang tiba-tiba
Dihadapinya hewan liar dan buas bila berjumpa

Seorang petualang katanya orang yang tak kenal putus asa
Kan di gapainya puncak gunung walau ada aral di hadapan
Kan di seberanginya sungai bila menghadang
Kan di carinya jalan lain bila jurang dihadapan

Seorang petualang katanya tidak mungkin menangis
Karena sang petualang adalah orang yang tampak tegar
Karena sang petualang adalah orang yang tampak gagah
Karena sang petualang adalah orang yang tidak mungkin mengeluarkan air mata

Seorang petualang katanya orang yang ber-empati
Mudah tersentuh dengan kemiskinan yang dilihatnya
Kan resah hatinya dengan ketidakadilan yang ditemuinya
Dirinya ingin membawa semuanya ke sebuah tempat yang pernah ia temui
Dimana ketentraman dan ketenangan menjadi bagian dari kehidupan

Seorang petualang katanya orang yang romantis
Kata-katanya menyiratkan kelembutan hatinya
Kata-katanya yang keluar tersirat dari hatinya
Keindahan alam bebas yang dijelajahinya memburat dihatinya

Seorang petualang katanya seorang yang egois
Kalo sudah ingin pergi berpetualang
Siapa dan apapun tidak bisa menghalanginya
Kecuali tentunya Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

Seorang petualang katanya orang yang toleran
Karena mempunyai kawan dari setiap kalangan
Karena tidak pernah memilih teman dalam perjalanan
Karena tidak pernah memandang golongan teman seperjalanan

Seorang petualang katanya orang yang ringan tangan
Karena biasa saling berbagi suka duka dalam perjalanan
Karena dalam perjalanan temanlah tempat berbagi
Siap menolong siapapun yang kesusahan walau tidak dikenalnya

Seorang petualang katanya orang yang mudah menangis
Karena ketidak adilan yang dilihatnya telah merubah pemikirannya
Karena kemiskinan yang dilihatnya telah mengisi relung hatinya
Karena pesona keindahan alam telah melembutkan hatinya
Karena akan hancur hatinya bila melihat alam yang kian porak poranda

Seorang petualang katanya titik titik titik
Entah sudah berapa banyak ungkapan orang tentang seorang petualang
Tetapi yang pasti seorang petualang adalah juga manusia
Manusia yang sama dengan makhkuk manusia yang menghuni bumi ini
Manusia yang juga bisa mengajarkan kebenaran maupun kesalahan
Manusia yang juga bisa berbuat kebaikan dan kehancuran

Mungkin yang membedakannya hanyalah pengalamannya
Pengalamannya melihat alam ciptaan Tuhan
Pengalamannya melihat segala perbedaan yang ada
Pengalamannya melihat dunia dari sudut yang berbeda
Dan seorang petualang adalah manusia yang juga manusia

Bogor, Nopember 2007

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mt Raung (3332m), East Java, Indonesia : 21-23 May 2009

Mt Raung via Sumber Wringin, Bondowoso, East Java

For more pictures please refer to my facebook album.

How do I describe Mt Raung? The trail wasn't that steep but it sure was long - through plantations, thick & overgrown bushes, rainforest, pine trees and grassland. We had to carry water for all the days spent on the trail and made our load very heavy.

The seven of us started from Surabaya with Augustinus providing us with the transport to Bondowoso about 5 hours away. Apart from Augustinus, the team includes Dwi Bahari and Riza from Jakarta, Mbak Endah and Erni from Kalimantan and Walter Rudy Wongkar (Woldy) from Jombang, East Java. The Mt Raung hiking post was in Sumber Wringin along the way to the famous Kawah Ijen. The post was quite big with rooms for rent (Rp100,000 per day) and clean and spacious bathrooms. Mbak Endang the caretaker provided us with a hot meal the moment we arrived. There we met our guide - Sugianto (Wanyo) and porters - Naruto, Hari and Aris.

A huge truck (Rp300,000 for return trip) took us to the starting point at Pondok Motor about 45 minutes away. From there we started to hike and because we started late, we had to hike in the dark. After slighltly more than an hour, we set camp on a flat land on the trail.

The next day, it was a long three hours hike to Pondok Sumur and then another hour to Pondok Tonyok where we took a longer break for lunch. About 2pm, we started the last leg of the hike through Pondok Mayyit, Pondok Demit and finally Pondok Angin. It took us a good 3 hours from Pondok Tonyok to Pondok Angin.

Pondok Angin was a small campsite in the grassland right after the pine tree forest. Here, the mighty wall of Mt Raung can be clearly seen. Mt Raung has a higher technical summit called Puncak Sejati which requires some rope skills, abseiling and longer days. We opted just to reach the crater ream. We were lucky because at Pondok Angin, the weather was clear and pleasant so different from the drizzle and thick fog during the hike.

We started the summit attack around 4.45 am. The hike to the summit wasn't especially steep but it sure was tricky, scary and sometimes confusing. At times we had to hike along very thin ridge just enough for one person and at other times, we had to slowly crawl our way along the small trail. Even the non-technical summit was eerie. The crater ream was practically walls jutting out and we had to balance ourselves when taking pictures. The crater itself was huge, deep and dangerous. The scenery really blow me away - picturesque with elements of risk.

The climbing down all the way to Pondok Motor wasn't as difficult and we reached it after 6 hours of hiking. Sugianto was definitely a very able guide cum porter cum photographer. Thank you guys.

To climb Mt Raung, Mt Merapi (East Java) or Kawah Ijen contact Sugianto at +6285258718838

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mt Sumbing (3371m), Central Java, Indonesia : 10 May 2009

Sumbing as seen from Sindoro

Merapi & Merbabu

Sumbing in the background from Sindoro trail

Somar & Rofique at crater ream

View from the other side of the crater ream

Rofique on Sumbing slippery trail

View on trail
View on trail

Climbing Mt Sumbing was in a nutshell - hell.

I was accompanied by Somar and Rofique. After registering ourselves at Posko Sumbing in Desa Garung, Kabupaten Wonosobo, we started the hike at 10.45pm. Even at the beginning, the trail along the farm was exhausting. Not too mention slippery. There were thick clouds in the sky and the mist was enveloping us like a shadow of death. I'm being dramatic.

Really, it was a never-ending uphill climb nary a flat surface for us to rest. I was gasping for air like fish out of water. My sweat can fill a bucket easily. And it was a night climb on an altitude of more than 2000 meters! What was I thinking?

But I presevered and after 3 hours, managed to reach another 'Devil's Market' (Pestan), a flat piece of land suitable for camping. The chill was shocking , I was shivering. We hid under some rocks trying to avoid the wind and at the same time ate supper. After one hour rest, we started the hike again.

There was these huge rocks called "Batu Kotak" and "Pasar Wetu" and we had to make a long round trip tp get on the trail again. But my guides decided to take a short-cut which involved having your back against the rock, climbing down a sharp rock and jumping for dear life to get onto the trail that led to the summit. It was crazy but it was definitely adventurous. I will not, however, ever do that again!

Anyway, the trail to the summit was one long torturous stretch that made me rethink the reasons of my existence in this world and day dreaming of a warm blanket and a cup of hot coffee. Drama aside, I managed to pull my big butt up the steep, rocky trail and finally reaching the summit at 6 am. Not bad actually.

The thick fog meant, no sunrise picture, not much view but I was happy and felt very much contented. The wind actually pushed away the fog for a while allowing me to see the beautiful green meadow inside the crater. It was a good place to pitch a tent.

The hike down was slow but consistent. It was painfull, in a way, because I had to really focus on my steps and the trail. Not only was the trail steep, it was also slippery.
But there was one moment during the climb down, I stood still and just feast my eyes on the cliff, the green slopes, the fog, the trees - and suddenly there was this feeling of real contentment, a joy, an appreciation, a lesson in humility - my surrounding seemed unreal, beautiful, majestic. I felt overwhelmed and I understood why I continue climbing mountains despite the hardship. I'm in love with the mountains!
There is this song "Sempurna" by the Indonesian band "Andra and the Backbone' which aptly described my relationship with the mountains.
We finally reached the starting point after four hours. The sky opened up celebrating our safe return from the summit.

Thank you Rofique and Somar. You guys were the best.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mt Sindoro (3153m), Desa Kledung, Central Java, Indonesia : 8-9 May 2009

Mt Sindoro as seen from Mt Sumbing
Trail to summit
Mt Sumbing seen from Sindoro
Alun-alun Sindoro crater
Mas Ragil, Guide
Campsite at Batu Tatah
Posko Sindoro at Desa Kledung

When I reached the summit of Mt Merbabu in May 2008, I saw the twin peaks of Sindoro and Sumbing and I knew then I just had to climb the two mountains.

I reached the city of Yogyakarta on 7 May 2009 and thankfully Augustinus, an Indonesian friend from Surabaya whom I met while climbing Mt Arjuna & Welirang in 2008, was there with a car to take me to Desa Kledung in Kabupaten Temanggung, Central Java. Also in the group - Pak Ilham, Maria and Lee Siu. If Augustinus had not been there, I would have to take a bus to Magelang and change bus to Desa Kledung. The car trip took approximately 3 hours including dinner at Temanggung.

Mas Ragil the caretaker for Mt Sindoro basecamp greeted us with warm tea and a quick briefing. He will be our guide accompanied by two porters - Rofique and Somar. They will also prepare my tent and food during our 2 days 1 night hike of Mt Sindoro.

We started hiking the next day with Pak Ilham driving us to the starting point at the end of the village farm. The farmers were planting tobacco in anticipation of the coming dry season. However, the sky was cloudy and rain was expected. I guess, the rain season was reluctant to make an exit.

The trail was along bushes, pine forest and grassland. We started at 10.30am and I reached Pos 3 around 1 noon. Pos 3 was a big flat campsite. At 3 pm I started my hike to Batu Tatah, a small campsite about an hour to the summit. I reached the campsite at 4pm. Along the way, the bush and pine trees gave way to steep grassland. It also began to drizzle and I was shivering while waiting for the porters to arrive so the tent could be set up.

The drizzle continued but not too long. Soon, the sky began to clear . It was a full moon night. Splendid.

We woke up at 4.15 am for the summit attack. Only Ragil, Augustinus and I made the climb. Maria and Lee Siu were too tired while the porters had to stay back to prepare our breakfast. The 1 hour climb was not that difficult and it was not that cold either. I reached the summit at 5.45 am.

It was truly a blessed sight. The clear blue sky, the majestic Sumbing looming in front of us, the superbly green grassland, the awesome sunrise. I had seen all these before and yet I still feel excited and humbled at the beauty of the landscape.

We circled the crater ream. At the other side, surprisingly, was a flat plateau or 'alun-alun'. From here I could see the Dieng Plateau - a majestic beauty as far as the eyes can see. On 1 Suro (according to Javanese calendar), thousands of people will be flocking here to perform 'rituals' - most probably a leftover culture from animistic-Hinduism culture. Another vast flatland just after the alun-alun was called 'Pasar Setan' or Devil's Market where occasionally the empty field will be filled with chattering noise from the 'unseen' .
It took us almost an hour to tour the crater ream and it was truly worth it.
Going back to basecamp at Desa Kledung was easy. I started at Batu Tatah around 10 am and reached the basecamp at 12.20 noon.

To climb Mt Sindoro, contact Ragil at +6281328096081

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mt Tebu (1036.6m), Terengganu : 30 April 2009

This is my third climb to Mt Tebu. Four of us took the bus to Jertih - Wong, Ah See, Angie and myself but only Angie and I went to the summit. I asked Lah at Lata Belatan, Jabi to arrange for a guide but none was available and in the end the Forestry Department allowed me to take Angie to the summit on the account that I was familiar with the route.

Mt Tebu was not particularly difficult but the 7km trail was long and never-ending. In addition, the weather was hot, exceptionally humid and windless. It really sapped my energy and I could feel that I was dehydrated. The last 500m to the summit was all willpower. We reached the summit at 12.45 noon.

Compared to a year ago, the trail and summit was pleasantly clean. Last year, the summit looked like a rubbish dump and litter was everywhere. Earlier, Lah told me that he had conducted a cleaning expedition recently and managed to collect almost a tonne of rubbish. Imagine that!

Angie and I went to the camp site to view the South China Sea. Along the way we stopped at the legendary Batu Madrasah. The campsite was also very clean. I took Angie for a tour of the area, looking at the lonely grave and the rock with Jawi carvings. Mt Tebu was known for its popularity among martial arts exponents for training and meditation. It was also infamous for 'missing persons' every year despite the trail being very obvious.

If we were to tour the whole summit area, it would have taken us more than an hour but we were eager to get down because the heat was taking a toll on us. The river at Lata Belatan was heavenly. If only people take the time to explore the part of the river far away from the madding crowd. The colour of the still water was aquamarine and it was deep enough to swim.

For those who want to climb Mt Tebu, contact Lah at 017-6544474.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mt Kinabalu (4095.2m), Sabah : 13-14 February 2009

Agung, Latif, Amir, Zaidi, Deen and Ryco
South Peak

Sunset at Laban Rata

Malaysian and Argentinian flag at Kinabalu summit

Eric and Gina

This is my sixth time climbing Kinabalu, the highest peak in Malaysia and one of the highest in South East Asia. Joining me this time are two Indonesian - Ryco and Agung, Malaysians -Amir, Latif and Deen. Along the way I met Eric Linden from Sweden and Gina from Argentina.

This was my slowest hike. I was waiting for the rest of the gang but after a few stops, it was clear that they were being very slow so I ended up with a new group. Besides Eric and Gina, there were the Singaporean woman with her New Zealand husband, Lyn from Australia, an English man, a Canadian couple etc. The new group took our time to reach Laban Rata but the conversation along the way and at rest stops were exciting and refreshing.

I reached Laban Rata slightly before 4.30pm and to my delight they opened the buffet spread for dinner 15 minutes later. I had the delicious dinner before going to the dormitory at Gunting Lagadan. Ryco was the last to reach Laban Rata.

The hike to the summit was one of the best in my experience. The sky was clear, there was no wind thus it wasn't as cold as in my previous climb. I paced my hike in such a way so that I only reached the summit at exactly 6am just in time for the sunrise.

Kinabalu is magical and I can't wait to climb it again.
For booking call Sutera at +6000243629

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mountain Climb 2009

5. Mt Sindoro (Kledung, Central Java)
7. Mt Raung via Sumber Wringin (Bondowoso, East Java)

Here is my plan for the rest of the year. Nothing confirmed though.
8. Mt Chamah (Kelantan)
9. Mt Ulu Sepat (Perak)
10. Mt Gamalama (Ternate) - most probably cancelled if it is deemed 'unsafe'
11. Mt Klabat (North Sulawesi)
12.Mt Kerinci (Jambi)
13. Mt Lompobatang (South Sulawesi)
14. Mt Bawakareng (South Sulawesi)
15. Mt Kinabalu (Sabah) : again
16. Mt Murud (Sarawak)

The tickets to Indonesia are confirmed. The climbing, however, depends on arrangement on the ground since I'm going on my own to most of these mountains. Wish me luck.

Climbing List 1998 - 2007

I have posted my climbing list for 2008. Here is my climbing list for year 1998 - 2007. Unfortunately my record is a bit hazy for years 1998-2003.

1998 : Irau (Pahang)

2000: Yong Belar (Kelantan - Perak)

2002 :
1. Tahan (Pahang)
2. Stong (Kelantan)
3. Ayam (Kelantan)
4. Baling Hill (Kedah)

1. Korbu (Perak)
2. Gayung (Perak)
3. Yong Belar (Kelantan - Perak)
4. Yong Yap (Perak)
5. Liang East & West (Perak)
6. Bujang Melaka ( Perak)
7. Chamah (Kelantan)
8. Ulu Sepat ( Perak)
9. Irau (Pahang)

1. Trusmadi (Sabah)
2. Kinabalu ( Sabah)
3. Yong Yap (Perak)
4. Irau (Pahang)
5. Yong Belar (Kelantan - Perak)
6. Gayung (Perak)
7. Korbu (Perak)
8. Ulu Sepat (Perak)
9. Batu Putih (Perak)
10.Chabang ( Perak)
11. Tahan (Pahang)
12. Jerai (Kedah)
13. Ledang (Johor)
14. Datuk (Negri Sembilan)

1. Ruil- GOCAM (Pahang)
2. Besar Hantu (Negri Sembilan)
3. Mulu (Sarawak)
4. Tambuyukon (Sabah) : Twice
5. Kinabalu (Sabah)
6. Murud (Sarawak) : Completed G12 on 22 April
7. Rajah (Pahang)
8. Ledang (Johor)
9. Datuk (Negri Sembilan)
10. Trusmadi (Sabah) : Twice
11. Jerai (Kedah)
12. Angsi (Negri Sembilan)
13. Bubu (Perak)
14. Tebu (Terengganu)
15. Benom (Pahang)
16. Belumut (Johor)
17. Nuang (Selangor)
18. Bintang (Kedah)

1. Bintang Utara (Kedah)
2. Kinabalu (Sabah)
3. Gerah (Perak)
4. Bieh (Perak)
5. Mulu (Sarawak)
6. Sinabung (North Sumatera - Indonesia)
7. Kalapathar (Nepal)
8. Everest Base Camp ( Nepal)
9. Sibayak (North Sumatera - Indonesia)
10.Murud ( Sarawak)
11. Rinjani (Lombok - Indonesia)

1. Murud ( Sarawak)
2. Merapi ( West Sumatera - Indonesia)
3. Sibayak ( North Sumatera - Indonesia)
4. Sinabung ( North Sumatera - Indonesia)
5. Singgalang ( West Sumatera - Indonesia)
6. Tambora (Sumbawa - Indonesia)
7. Gede ( West Java - Indonesia)
8. Kinabalu ( Sabah)
9. Semeru (East Java - Indonesia)
10.Batur (Bali - Indonesia)
11. Agung ( Bali - Indonesia)


If you notice, there is a two year gap from Feb 2006 to May 2008 where I did not climb any mountain in Peninsular Malaysia. It was my 'sulking' period.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wild Boar Taking A Bus, Baguio, Philippines

23 January 2009

I was waiting for a bus to Ambangeg in the Slaughterhouse Terminal, Baguio blisfully having a doughnut and coffee when I heard a sharp maniacal sound. People turned their head into one direction and it piqued my interest. Behind a bus, I saw three men stooping over a large black body on the ground. I went nearer and I saw on the ground a huge wild boar! The men were tying its legs and later hauling it up onto the roof of the bus.

Only in Baguio!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mt Pulog (2922m), Luzon, Philippines, 24 January 2009

Mt Pulog at 2922m is the second highest mountain in the Philippines and the highest in Luzon island. I took the easy Ambangeg route and reached the summit at 5.30am on 24 January 2009.

From Baguio, the bus (P72) took 3 hours to reach Ambangeg (Am-bang-nge). I registered with Mt Pulog National Park and had to pay a registration fee of P780 and watch a 15 minutes orientation video. After the registration, climbers could hike the 10km uphill trail (3-4 hours) to the Ranger Station or hire a motorcycle to take you up in 40 minutes. I chose the later (P300 return).

The ranger greeted me and offered a room for P20. After making arrangement with a guide (P500) to start the hike at 2am, I proceeded to make myself comfortable, doing a short tour of the village and the farm. I saw a few jeepneys and found out that they were hired from Baguio by a group of climbers who were already in Camp 2. The Ranger Station had a ‘comfort room” and cooking area and they obliged me with a flask of hot water when I asked for it.

The hike to the summit wasn’t especially difficult. It was actually a gradual climb to the summit through mossy forest and grassland. At the beginning it was very warm (with my layers of clothing) but later it began to get very cold especially when the thick fog came in. We reached Camp 2 after 2 hours and after a 30 minutes rest, we started our climb again. Camp 2 was already inside the grassland area and the trail was narrow and muddy. The climb to the summit took 1.5 hours.

Reaching the summit was an anti-climax. The fog was thick and wet. Strangely, the summit had a cluster of dwarf bamboos with maze like openings that allow hikers to hide from the cold wind. I sat there waiting for the sun to rise and hopefully for a warmer weather. No such luck.

After snapping a few photographs, I started my hike back to the Ranger Station at 7am and reached there at 9.05am. My motorcycle driver came at around 10am to take me down to Ambangeg because the bus from Kebayan towards Baguio will arrive around 1pm. I did not want to miss that bus.

The next day I hired a taxi to take me to Mt Santo Thomas (2220m). It was a nice way to have a good view of Baguio and the surrounding mountains.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Gunung Datuk (884m), Rembau, Negri Sembilan, 11 January 2009

I was invited to present a paper in Sidang Warga Gunung on January 10-11 2009

Steep trail to the summit

Dr Najie and Ahmad Nadir

Climbing up the ladder to get to the top of the huge boulders

The group at the summit

I went to attend Sidang Warga Gunung, an event organised by Gunung Online internet forum on 10-11 January 2009 at the foothill of Gunung Datuk in Rembau, Negri Sembilan. After presenting a paper entitled " Ekspedisi Luar Negara : Impian atau Kenyataan", my fellow presenter Ahmad Nadir Askandar, Lt. Kol. Commander Kamal Arifin and 4 other participants took a bit of time away from the conference hall and climbed Mt Datuk.

It was my third time climbing Datuk and it had not changed one bit. It took roughly an hour to reach the summit. There were many people there and we had to practically queue to climb the huge boulders to be at the actual peak. It was windy and cloudy but it felt great looking out from the summit at the vast landscape below all the way into Malacca.

This is my first mountain summit for the year 2009.